Tuesday, January 28, 2020

What is your purpose? 1/28/2020

What is my purpose? 
My purpose...., this is a good question. A question that is unanswerable for me at this point in my life. Many people believe that they are put on this earth to serve a purpose. Pertaining to the recent tragedy of the lose of an inspiring person. Not only were they a basketball player, they were a father, husband, and to many a role model. Many believe that the person has served their purpose. The purpose to guide young minds unto the right path. To motivate not only you g but old minds as well that we can do more in our life and that we should never stop. I as a teenager feel that my purpose is to inspire. Not to inspire the world but to inspire my family. To motivate myself, my future kids, and partner to live life to the fullest and to pass on the blessing and cherish every moment. We cannot always be sure about our purpose because we haven’t lived out lives  or even gotten close enough to whatever religious or higher powers we believe in to tell us our purpose. We can only imagine and dream that we are serving our purpose or that we will soon learn our purpose.

Friday, January 24, 2020


We continued our lesson on multiple choice and time management. Just as yesterday we got into our groups and started to correct our answers for the multiple choice test. Doing the test as a group was much easier and also faster. To be able to hear everyone’s answers and why they choose it also brought a new view at how the text was read.

Thursday, January 23, 2020


We took a multiple choice test today. In the class we have been focusing a lot on improving our test taking skills and time management skills. We read a passage which was interesting and a good view on a new topic that most of our generation wouldn’t partake in. The author discussed book clubs and how they are growing into a different generation as well. The new virtual book clubs are becoming popular. Although the author is happy with the new growth they say that it will not be the same as in person book clubs. Other people feel that virtual book clubs do not allow many people to truly express their feelings and view on the book. I can not personally express my view on the topic but I can say that due to the normalization of the internet and online readings, then a virtual book club isn’t the worst.

Thursday, January 16, 2020


In class today we continued with the same prompt. We discussed and made claims and also filled in our chart. The chart had Reading, Experience, and Observation. We used multiple sources yesterday for our reading and proceeded to fill in the other parts. We also learned the difference between observation and experience. When you observe something you witness it happen but you weren’t technically in the moment. When you experience something you are first hand in the situation and can describe what really happened.

Tuesday, January 14, 2020


Today we started a new lesson. We first started of learning the definitions of Certainty and Doubt. Certainty is when you have 100% faith in something and doubt is when you have no faith. Doubt is created when you believe something is impossible but you soon become certain once you face the impossible. We were then split in sections of the class were we were assigned a specific topic and had to use certain and doubt to describe our topic. My section was assigned buying something. The section used we were certain the mortgage was cheaper but we doubt it will stay the same. It was a good example but I would have preferred we used, although the boy was certain he wanted the toy, the mom had doubt that he would play with it again. And that is more of a realistic example because many children are “certain” that they want a toy but never really play with it.

Friday, January 10, 2020


Today was a very good and exciting day. In class we continued our lesson on Fallacies and how to spot them in writings. We looked at a passage in a book and it showed many examples of the different fallacies and used different names. The different names confuse me a bit but once we actually broke down the concept I realized it was the same as what we had learned yesterday. We also learned a life lesson and that was very helpful. Being that we are in an AP Language class but able to discuss other topics was cool. We discussed how to find fallacies in contracts and when we are at the doctors office. We also had a debate about who has the best chicken, Zaxbys, Foosacklys, or Cains. This may seem weird but it actually taught us about spotting fallacies in arguments. All companies had good chicken and just marketed differently. The employees of each company was unable to give a good argument because they had fallacies in their arguments. They also weren’t creditable due to their biases since they worked there.

Thursday, January 9, 2020

Start of a brand new year 1/7/2020

We started the 2020 year off by reflex on our past selves and viewing our improvements. We talked about our goals from the beginning of the school year and our goals from now. Some of my goals from 2019 was to improve my writing skills and also become more social. This year I have achieved parts of those goals but need to continue working towards them. We also viewed a video by Ted Talks. This video was by Author Arel Moodie and it was The Secret to Students Success. This video touched on a certain topic that most people do not know. We were always taught in life that being smart is your way to success and you have to be the smartest to be the most successful. Arel changes the view, he acknowledges that it’s not smarts that we need it’s effort. When Arel stayed that it changed not only me but I feel the whole class viewpoint. Sometimes I do not make the best grades, not because I’m “dumb” but because I put no effort into my work, stating back to the video Moodie also said that most “smart” people do poorly in school because we are afraid to ask questions since we are supposedly the “smart” ones. If I didn’t take anything else from that video I took away this quote, “Opportunities are often missed because they are dressed in overalls and labeled work,” Thomas Edison.

Fallacy Skit AP Writing 1/9/2020

Today we discuss the different Fallacy in writing. We did a skit and I can say it was one of the things that I will always remember in this class. Our group had the responsibility of making a skit using “Missing the Point” and “Weak Analogy”. When we were in our groups we had fun making up our skit for “Missing the Point.” We came up with the idea of cheating for the skit. The idea of cheating cane from “Missing the Point” means to come to a conclusion of the argument but it is not the authors conclusion for the argument. When most people cheat they miss the point. It also plays a part in Red Herring which is to distract the audience from the main topic of an argument. When we were acting out the play I was nervous but we got it done and the audience was able to catch on. Doing this skit helped me out because I was confused on the concepts of Fallacy. I was able to put the concept to real life situations and get to fully understand.


We created conclusions. We were given a Thatcher handout to review am to help create the thesis.