Thursday, January 9, 2020

Start of a brand new year 1/7/2020

We started the 2020 year off by reflex on our past selves and viewing our improvements. We talked about our goals from the beginning of the school year and our goals from now. Some of my goals from 2019 was to improve my writing skills and also become more social. This year I have achieved parts of those goals but need to continue working towards them. We also viewed a video by Ted Talks. This video was by Author Arel Moodie and it was The Secret to Students Success. This video touched on a certain topic that most people do not know. We were always taught in life that being smart is your way to success and you have to be the smartest to be the most successful. Arel changes the view, he acknowledges that it’s not smarts that we need it’s effort. When Arel stayed that it changed not only me but I feel the whole class viewpoint. Sometimes I do not make the best grades, not because I’m “dumb” but because I put no effort into my work, stating back to the video Moodie also said that most “smart” people do poorly in school because we are afraid to ask questions since we are supposedly the “smart” ones. If I didn’t take anything else from that video I took away this quote, “Opportunities are often missed because they are dressed in overalls and labeled work,” Thomas Edison.

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We created conclusions. We were given a Thatcher handout to review am to help create the thesis.