Tuesday, January 14, 2020


Today we started a new lesson. We first started of learning the definitions of Certainty and Doubt. Certainty is when you have 100% faith in something and doubt is when you have no faith. Doubt is created when you believe something is impossible but you soon become certain once you face the impossible. We were then split in sections of the class were we were assigned a specific topic and had to use certain and doubt to describe our topic. My section was assigned buying something. The section used we were certain the mortgage was cheaper but we doubt it will stay the same. It was a good example but I would have preferred we used, although the boy was certain he wanted the toy, the mom had doubt that he would play with it again. And that is more of a realistic example because many children are “certain” that they want a toy but never really play with it.

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We created conclusions. We were given a Thatcher handout to review am to help create the thesis.