Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Comma Rules

Today in class we learned about the comma(,). The comma is one of the most used punctuations in professional and aspiring writers careers. The comma can be used in multiple ways including to separate two incomplete thoughts, in lists (much like this one), and in front of a conjunction ( better known as fanboys). To be a good writer you must use know how to properly use these tools to better help the reader understand your essay.

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Myth of Latin Women

In my AP class today we were focusing on finding claims. We read a passage called "Myth of Latin Women, I meet a girl named Maria" and I really didn't like it. I didn’t like it because the stereotypes that were explained in the story were over the top rude and . To me a women should never be judged on how she looks nor on how she acts. To my knowledge Latin women are looked at as loud, sex symbols, and they are known to be ignorant. Because of this people usually are looking for that we they come across a women from that background.  You should never judge anyone based on what you heard because, surely enough, what you heard may be the opposite of what is actually true. Of course the essay had many claims and those were great practice tools to help for the ACT. But to me stereotypes are something society as a whole should work towards eliminating.


We created conclusions. We were given a Thatcher handout to review am to help create the thesis.